2015 Spring - Winners

2015 spring call winners

Department of Philosophy
Research and Publish Lab

The Philosophy Research and Publish Lab teaches philosophy students (predominantly PhDs, but also MA students) the necessary know-how related to research and its publication in their academic field. To do so, the course will deepen three kinds of know-how, three kinds of tacit knowledge: (a) know-how to write different formats of texts, (b) know-how to use professional databases for research, (c) know-how to publish one's research results. See our webpage for aims, activities and handouts produced and/or used as part of it: https://ceurplab.wordpress.com/

Department of International Relations
Learning in context: Experiential Learning in the study of post-Soviet politics and societies

The project pilots and tests the potential of experiential learning in the delivery of the course on 'States, Networks and Power in post-Soviet Politics' (new title tbc) which I teach in the winter semester (PolSci, cross-listed to IR, 4 credits). Specifically the project combines case-based teaching and experiential learning by introducing a one-week visit to a city in western Ukraine (Odessa or Lvov) so that students can explore, discuss and experience some of the themes which run through the course, such as, for example identity transformation, conflict, state formation and collapse. The aim is to enable students to directly experience and explore real-world complex problems.