CEU Teaching Development Grants support individual, resident faculty members in the development of teaching projects are available on a competitive basis with funds up to 4,000 euros per project per academic year.
The project should both a), advance the grantee’s development as a teacher and b), improve student learning. The outcomes of the project should be measurable and sustainable beyond its lifetime.
Given the developmental focus, Teaching Development projects should be designed to focus on inquiry and experimentation, particularly identified in CEU strategic planning processes. These include greater development of connections between research and teaching; using new technologies to support learning; incorporation of problem-based learning; teaching with case studies; the development of interdisciplinary approaches to teaching; and other research-based teaching strategies; experiential, civic- and community-engaged teaching; and alternative forms of assessment.
Projects should be completed within one year, and a short final, narrative report will be required within three months of project completion. There is no need to submit a financial report as expenses are available in SAP. Modifications to the budget should be requested in advance to the ACRO program coordinator.
Please visit our Sharepoint page for further details and application.