CEU-CEFRES Mobility grants at CEFRES - 2024

CEU - CEFRES Mobility grants at the French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences (CEFRES)

Call for application for 2nd year and above PhD students enrolled at the Central European University (CEU)

Deadline for submission: 17 March 2024
Duration: 2 to 10 monts between May 1, 2024 & June 30, 2025

Central European University & the French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences (CEFRES) offer mobility grants at CEFRES in Prague to 2nd year and above PhD students enrolled at the CEU.


  • Funding: 500 € / month
  • Duration: from 2 to 10 months in Prague.
  • Suggested period:  May 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025

The selected young researchers will join the CEFRES multidisciplinary research team and take part in the Center’s scientific life closely connected with the activities at Charles University and the Czech Academy of Sciences
They will work in an international research center, present their work at the internal CEFRES seminars, and may also organize a scientific event (workshop, conference…) co-financed by the Center.
The fellows’ research should contribute to one of the Center’s research areas.


  • PhD students enrolled at CEU from the 2nd year and above
  • Languages: English is mandatory, command of French is appreciated.


  • March 17, 2024, 23:59 CET -  Deadline for submissions               
  • March 17–April 17, 2024 - Evaluation by the CEU-CEFRES Joint Committee of Experts
  • April 17, 2024 - Publication of the results

APPLICATION PACKAGE (in English or French)

  • Duly filled in application form – download the form here
  • A summary of your research (3 pp. maximum) incl. the aims and inputs of the research; its methodological and theoretical frame; the first outcomes since the beginning of the research
  • A CV with a list of publications and papers

Applications must be submitted electronically in one PdF file entitled “CEU-Your surname” at: claire.madl@cefres.cz. To be considered, application packages must be complete.

Information about the open call can be found on the CEFRES website

Questions on the application procedure may be sent to:

  • CEFRES contact: Mrs Claire Madl, Deputy Director, claire@cefres.cz.
  • CEU contact: Mrs. Dorottya Urai, Academic Cooperation Officer uraid@ceu.edu